Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Crepes... and then some

Today, I experimented with this recipe:  ZoomYummy: Crepes with cream cheese filling

I was very excited, knowing that I had two bricks of cream cheese in the fridge just waiting to go into our bellies Cream cheese is a MAJOR favorite of mine.  I am convinced it should be a food group.  Anyway, I start putting the ingredients on the counter... and realize we don't have enough milk.  I don't keep canned milk or anything along those lines in the pantry.  As I opened the freezer to make sure we still had some frozen fruit I could use, I spotted a viable alternative to the milk:  frozen breastmilk.
Now, before you gag, let's keep in mind:  these are to be eaten by me (who makes the milk, after all) and my daughter (who still drinks the milk), so really, nothing squig-worthy there.  I'd never serve anything with breastmilk in it without warning people.  While I don't find anything weird about it (after all, cow's milk does come from cows, so why should human milk be gross for any reason?), I can respect that others may.  So, that said, we went to work.
I also didn't have powdered sugar for the cream cheese filling, so I substituted with plain white sugar.
The results were FABULOUS.  I couldn't tell a difference regarding the milk, and my only possible complaint is that the filling was a touch too sweet, but really, I should have reduced the amount of sugar since it was regular.  Otherwise, it was very, very awesome.  I covered it in the fruit (which had thawed) and Kiddo and I inhaled it.  Definitely a nice mid-afternoon treat for us.  :-)

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